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Watch this video for an overview of the data sharing process

  1. Create a Synapse Account: Synapse is the platform used to store and download data. Start by creating a Synapse account here. You will also need to complete a certification quiz if you plan to upload data.

  2. Send Sage your username: If you are part of a research team related to the Gray Foundation, the Data Coordination Center (aka: Sage) will create a team for you (if it hasn't already been created) and add you to the team. Submit your user name here.

  3. Navigate to Your Projects: Once you have an account, you can access your projects. These projects are categorized into three types:

    • Created By Me: Projects created by you.
    • Favorite Projects: Projects you've marked as favorites.
    • Shared With Me: Projects you have access to.
    • Team Projects: Projects associated with your research team.
